Book a Mnimosino - Memorial Service.
The Memorial Services are held as an act of love and remembrance towards the departed members of the Church. They are booked for the Sunday inside the first 40 days, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months and 12 months from the date the departed fell asleep then annually thereafter during the Saturday of the Souls service.
A memorial/mnimosino can only be requested for one departed person. Please do not provide more than one name in the memorial / mnimosino request. Any additional departed names provided will NOT be read out. Additional departed names to be memorialised (who have departed more than 12 months ago) are to be requested by the parishioner to be read during Saturday of the souls service which is held just at the start of Lent and just before Pentecost.
The Memorial Services are not held on the following days:
From the Saturday of Lazarus until the Sunday of Saint Thomas.
On the feast days of our Lord:
Circumcision of our Lord (1 January)
Epiphany (6 January)
The Presentation (2 February)
The Annunciation (25 March)
The Ascension (40 days after Pascha)
Pentecost (50 days after Pascha)
The Transfiguration (6 August)
Christmas Day (25 December).
On the Feast of the Parish Church.
On the 15 August, the Dormition of the Virgin Mary.
Please note: Booking a memorial/mnimosino at St Euphemia, the Koliva are prepared on the church’s silver platter/trays. At the end of the Sunday church service, the koliva are all emptied in to a big tub and are available for the parishioners and loved ones of the departed to request the koliva in small paper bags. At no time are the silver platters to be taken home by any parishioners as those silver platters are used again for the following week’s mnimosina/memorials.